Source dependencies and set up a bunch of files.

#> USGS Support Package:
#> USGS Support Package:
#> Linking to GEOS 3.8.0, GDAL 3.0.4, PROJ 6.3.1
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

src_gpkg <- system.file("gpkg/sugar_creek_fort_mill.gpkg", package = "hygeo")
fdr_tif <- system.file("tiff/sugar_creek_fort_mill_fdr.tif", package = "hygeo")
fac_tif <- system.file("tiff/sugar_creek_fort_mill_fac.tif", package = "hygeo")
collapsed <- tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")
refactored_small <- tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")
reconciled <- tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")
reconciled_small <- tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")

unlink(c(collapsed, refactored_small, reconciled, reconciled_small), force = TRUE)

catchment_prefix <- "cat-"
waterbody_prefix <- "fp-"
nexus_prefix <- "nex-"

Now we will get some data and just plot up our area of interest.

nhd <- nhdplusTools::plot_nhdplus(list(9731454),
                                  gpkg = src_gpkg,
                                  overwrite = FALSE,
                                  nhdplus_data = src_gpkg)
#> Found invalid geometry, attempting to fix.
#> Found invalid geometry, attempting to fix.
#> Zoom: 10
#> Map tiles by Carto, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.
#> Audotdetect projection: assuming Google Mercator (epsg 3857)

For this demonstration we’ll just use NWIS Sites as they exist. Here we go grab upstream with tributaries NWIS Sites and index them to the network. This is all placeholder for doing this using a more formal process for selection of network locations.

nwis <- nhdplusTools::navigate_nldi(list(featureSource = "comid", 
                                         featureID = 9731454),
                                    mode = "UT", 
                                    data_source = "nwissite", 
                                    distance_km = 9999)

if(is.list(nwis)) {
  nwis <- nwis$UT_nwissite

what_nwis_data <- dataRetrieval::whatNWISdata(siteNumber = gsub("USGS-", "", nwis$identifier))

nwis_sites <- filter(what_nwis_data, parm_cd == "00060" & data_type_cd == "uv") %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("dec_long_va", "dec_lat_va"), 
                       crs = 4269) %>%

nwis_sites <-  bind_cols(nwis_sites,
                         left_join(data.frame(id = seq_len(nrow(nwis_sites))),
                                     st_transform(nhd$flowline, 5070), 
                                     nwis_sites, search_radius = 50), by = "id")) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  st_sf() %>%
  select(site_no, COMID, REACHCODE, REACH_meas, offset) %>%
  left_join(select(st_drop_geometry(nhd$flowline), COMID, FromMeas, ToMeas), by = "COMID")

# Check if we have catchment polygons for all our gage outlets.
all(nwis_sites$COMID %in% nhd$catchment$FEATUREID)
#> [1] TRUE

# only chose sites that are 1/4 or more up the catchment.
split_sites <- nwis_sites %>%
  filter((100 * (REACH_meas - FromMeas) / (ToMeas - FromMeas)) > params$gage_tolerance)

nwis_sites$split <- nwis_sites$site_no %in% split_sites$site_no

                                  gpkg = src_gpkg,
                                  overwrite = FALSE,
                                  nhdplus_data = src_gpkg,
                                  actually_plot = TRUE)
#> Found invalid geometry, attempting to fix.
#> Found invalid geometry, attempting to fix.
#> Zoom: 10
#> Map tiles by Carto, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.
#> Audotdetect projection: assuming Google Mercator (epsg 3857)
plot(st_transform(nwis_sites$geometry, 3857), pch = 24, bg = "darkgrey", add = TRUE)

                             split_flines_meters = params$split_m,
                             split_flines_cores = 2,
                             collapse_flines_meters = params$collapse_m,
                             collapse_flines_main_meters = params$collapse_m,
                             out_refactored = collapsed,
                             out_reconciled = reconciled,
                             three_pass = TRUE,
                             purge_non_dendritic = FALSE, 
                             events = split_sites)
#> Warning in prepare_nhdplus(., 0, 0, 0, purge_non_dendritic =
#> purge_non_dendritic, : Got NHDPlus data without a Terminal catchment. Attempting
#> to find it.
#> Warning in prepare_nhdplus(., 0, 0, 0, purge_non_dendritic = purge_non_dendritic, : Removed 0 flowlines that don't apply.
#>  Includes: Coastlines, non-dendritic paths, 
#> and networks with drainage area less than 0 sqkm, and drainage basins smaller than 0
#> flowlines split complete, collapsing
#> Writing layer `file5dd4108a6355' to data source `C:\Users\DBLODG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\RtmpId2WUy\file5dd4108a6355.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> options:        OVERWRITE=YES 
#> Writing 143 features with 11 fields and geometry type Line String.
#> collapse complete, out collapse written to disk, reconciling
#> Writing layer `file5dd48de5ed9' to data source `C:\Users\DBLODG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\RtmpId2WUy\file5dd48de5ed9.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> options:        OVERWRITE=YES 
#> Writing 90 features with 7 fields and geometry type Line String.

collapse <- sf::read_sf(collapsed)
reconcile <- sf::read_sf(reconciled)

slope <- select(st_drop_geometry(reconcile), ID, member_COMID) %>%
  mutate(member_COMID = strsplit(member_COMID, ",")) %>%
  unnest(cols = member_COMID) %>%
  mutate(member_COMID = floor(as.numeric(member_COMID))) %>%
  left_join(select(st_drop_geometry(nhd$flowline), COMID, slope), 
            by = c("member_COMID" = "COMID")) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  summarise(slope = mean(slope))
#> `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)

reconcile <- left_join(reconcile, slope, by = "ID")

nwis_sites <- left_join(nwis_sites, 
                        select(st_drop_geometry(collapse), event_REACHCODE, split_COMID = COMID),
                        by = c("REACHCODE" = "event_REACHCODE"))

nwis_sites$local_id <- 
         function(x, nwis_sites) {
           if(!$split_COMID[x])) {
             checker <- nwis_sites$split_COMID[x]
           } else {
             checker <- as.character(nwis_sites$COMID[x])
           id <- reconcile[grepl(checker, 
                                 reconcile$member_COMID), ]
           if(nrow(id) > 1) {
             id <- filter(id, Hydroseq == min(Hydroseq))
           paste0(waterbody_prefix, id$ID)
         }, nwis_sites = nwis_sites)

nwis_sites <- select(nwis_sites, -split, -split_COMID)

fdr <- raster::raster(fdr_tif)
fac <- raster::raster(fac_tif)

crs <- raster::crs(fdr)

nhd$catchment <- sf::st_transform(nhd$catchment, crs)
reconcile <- sf::st_transform(sf::st_sf(reconcile), crs)
collapse <- sf::st_transform(sf::st_sf(collapse), crs)

sf::st_precision(nhd$catchment) <- 30

reconcile_divides <- hyRefactor::reconcile_catchment_divides(nhd$catchment,
                                                             fdr = fdr,
                                                             fac = fac,
                                                             fline_ref = collapse,
                                                             fline_rec = reconcile,
                                                             para = 1)
#> Loading required namespace: rgeos

network_order <- dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(nhd$flowline), COMID, Hydroseq)

nwis_lookup <- dplyr::select(sf::st_drop_geometry(nwis_sites),
                            site_no, local_id) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(local_id = gsub(waterbody_prefix, catchment_prefix, local_id))

nhd_crosswalk <- c(get_nhd_crosswalk(reconcile, catchment_prefix, network_order, nwis_lookup),
                   get_nhd_crosswalk(reconcile, waterbody_prefix, network_order, nwis_lookup))

We can now pass reconciled divides into the hygeo package functions to generate catchment areas, waterbodies, and nexuses.

nexus <- get_nexus(reconcile, 
                   nexus_prefix = nexus_prefix)

catchment_edge_list <- get_catchment_edges(reconcile,
                                           catchment_prefix = catchment_prefix,
                                           nexus_prefix = nexus_prefix)
waterbody_edge_list <- get_waterbody_edge_list(reconcile,
                                               waterbody_prefix = waterbody_prefix)
sqkm_per_sqm <- 1 / 1000^2

reconcile_divides$area_sqkm <- as.numeric(st_area(st_transform(reconcile_divides, 5070))) * sqkm_per_sqm

catchment_data <- get_catchment_data(reconcile_divides,
                                     catchment_prefix = catchment_prefix)

reconcile <- dplyr::rename(reconcile, length_km = LENGTHKM)

flowpath_data <- get_flowpath_data(reconcile,
                                     catchment_prefix = waterbody_prefix) %>%
      mutate(realized_catchment = gsub(waterbody_prefix, 
                                     catchment_prefix, ID))

nexus_data <- get_nexus_data(nexus,

mapview::mapview(catchment_data, = "Catchment Area", col.regions = "tan") +
  mapview::mapview(flowpath_data, = "Flowpaths", color = "blue") +
  mapview::mapview(nexus_data, = "Nexuses", cex = 3, color = "yellow4", col.regions = "yellow4") + 
  mapview::mapview(nwis_sites, = "NWIS Sites", cex = 6, color = "darkgrey", col.regions = "grey")

The outputs can be rendered into csv or json:

hygeo_list <- list(catchment = catchment_data, 
                   flowpath = flowpath_data, 
                   nexus = nexus_data,
                   catchment_edges = catchment_edge_list,
                   waterbody_edges = waterbody_edge_list)

class(hygeo_list) <- "hygeo"

out_path <- params$out_path
dir.create(out_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

out_path <- write_hygeo(hygeo_list, out_path = out_path, edge_map = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)

nhd_crosswalk <- lapply(nhd_crosswalk, function(x) {
  out <- list(COMID = x$COMID, outlet_COMID = jsonlite::unbox(x$outlet_COMID))
  if(!is.null(x$site_no)) {
    out <- c(out, list(site_no = jsonlite::unbox(x$site_no)))

jsonlite::write_json(nhd_crosswalk, file.path(out_path, "crosswalk.json"), 
                     pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = FALSE)

(hygeo_list_read <- read_hygeo(out_path))
#> $catchment
#> Simple feature collection with 90 features and 3 fields
#> geometry type:  MULTIPOLYGON
#> dimension:      XY
#> bbox:           xmin: -81.01073 ymin: 34.99056 xmax: -80.6473 ymax: 35.31445
#> geographic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 90 x 4
#>    id     area_sqkm toid                                                geometry
#>    <chr>      <dbl> <chr>                                     <MULTIPOLYGON [°]>
#>  1 cat-52    18.1   nex-32 (((-80.92989 35.19063, -80.93001 35.19079, -80.93117~
#>  2 cat-1     11.2   nex-65 (((-80.95556 35.18335, -80.95659 35.18419, -80.95781~
#>  3 cat-18     5.17  nex-83 (((-80.78387 35.16191, -80.78403 35.16206, -80.78464~
#>  4 cat-44     2.21  nex-75 (((-80.76158 35.2144, -80.76273 35.21363, -80.76402 ~
#>  5 cat-8      0.438 nex-65 (((-80.93941 35.18507, -80.94011 35.18567, -80.93959~
#>  6 cat-17    11.2   nex-30 (((-80.89513 35.10984, -80.89523 35.1102, -80.89546 ~
#>  7 cat-34    12.1   nex-22 (((-80.86944 35.06659, -80.8701 35.06761, -80.87132 ~
#>  8 cat-19    15.4   nex-87 (((-80.8725 35.00046, -80.87429 35.00082, -80.87673 ~
#>  9 cat-27     1.82  nex-21 (((-80.89313 35.06234, -80.89585 35.064, -80.89817 3~
#> 10 cat-22     9.39  nex-87 (((-80.88475 35.02839, -80.88514 35.02875, -80.88587~
#> # ... with 80 more rows
#> $flowpath
#> Simple feature collection with 90 features and 6 fields
#> geometry type:  LINESTRING
#> dimension:      XY
#> bbox:           xmin: -80.9998 ymin: 35.00016 xmax: -80.66058 ymax: 35.30738
#> geographic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 90 x 7
#>    id    length_km slope_percent main_id toid  realized_catchm~
#>    <chr>     <dbl>         <dbl>   <int> <chr> <chr>           
#>  1 fp-1      3.93        0.00518      58 fp-65 cat-1           
#>  2 fp-2     10.1         0.00610      74 fp-3  cat-2           
#>  3 fp-3      7.43        0.00154      16 fp-87 cat-3           
#>  4 fp-4      9.67        0.00115      16 fp-3  cat-4           
#>  5 fp-5      0.551       0.0132       49 fp-14 cat-5           
#>  6 fp-6      2.80        0.00696      28 fp-3  cat-6           
#>  7 fp-7      1.09        0.00239      45 fp-3  cat-7           
#>  8 fp-8      0.206       0.00001      84 fp-65 cat-8           
#>  9 fp-9      2.84        0.00001      53 fp-29 cat-9           
#> 10 fp-10     3.57        0.00653      75 fp-21 cat-10          
#> # ... with 80 more rows, and 1 more variable: geometry <LINESTRING [°]>
#> $nexus
#> Simple feature collection with 45 features and 2 fields
#> geometry type:  POINT
#> dimension:      XY
#> bbox:           xmin: -80.9777 ymin: 35.00016 xmax: -80.71308 ymax: 35.28691
#> geographic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 45 x 3
#>    id     toid               geometry
#>    <chr>  <chr>           <POINT [°]>
#>  1 nex-65 cat-65 (-80.93949 35.18483)
#>  2 nex-3  cat-3  (-80.94817 35.06374)
#>  3 nex-87 cat-87 (-80.90946 35.01792)
#>  4 nex-14 cat-14  (-80.9777 35.04557)
#>  5 nex-29 cat-29 (-80.90107 35.08629)
#>  6 nex-21 cat-21 (-80.90722 35.06921)
#>  7 nex-4  cat-4  (-80.95742 35.09442)
#>  8 nex-69 cat-69  (-80.81283 35.0765)
#>  9 nex-77 cat-77 (-80.76566 35.24378)
#> 10 nex-30 cat-30 (-80.89567 35.10979)
#> # ... with 35 more rows
#> $catchment_edges
#>         id   toid
#> 1    cat-1 nex-65
#> 2    cat-2  nex-3
#> 3    cat-3 nex-87
#> 4    cat-4  nex-3
#> 5    cat-5 nex-14
#> 6    cat-6  nex-3
#> 7    cat-7  nex-3
#> 8    cat-8 nex-65
#> 9    cat-9 nex-29
#> 10  cat-10 nex-21
#> 11  cat-11  nex-4
#> 12  cat-12  nex-3
#> 13  cat-13 nex-14
#> 14  cat-14  nex-3
#> 15  cat-15 nex-69
#> 16  cat-16 nex-77
#> 17  cat-17 nex-30
#> 18  cat-18 nex-83
#> 19  cat-19 nex-87
#> 20  cat-20 nex-27
#> 21  cat-21 nex-87
#> 22  cat-22 nex-87
#> 23  cat-23 nex-22
#> 24  cat-24 nex-23
#> 25  cat-25 nex-71
#> 26  cat-26 nex-25
#> 27  cat-27 nex-21
#> 28  cat-28 nex-73
#> 29  cat-29 nex-21
#> 30  cat-30 nex-29
#> 31  cat-31 nex-30
#> 32  cat-32 nex-31
#> 33  cat-33 nex-71
#> 34  cat-34 nex-22
#> 35  cat-35 nex-22
#> 36  cat-36 nex-22
#> 37  cat-37 nex-69
#> 38  cat-38 nex-69
#> 39  cat-39 nex-23
#> 40  cat-40 nex-24
#> 41  cat-41 nex-71
#> 42  cat-42 nex-83
#> 43  cat-43 nex-34
#> 44  cat-44 nex-75
#> 45  cat-45 nex-73
#> 46  cat-46 nex-20
#> 47  cat-47 nex-27
#> 48  cat-48 nex-79
#> 49  cat-49 nex-87
#> 50  cat-50 nex-81
#> 51  cat-51 nex-33
#> 52  cat-52 nex-32
#> 53  cat-53 nex-77
#> 54  cat-54 nex-28
#> 55  cat-55 nex-28
#> 56  cat-56 nex-62
#> 57  cat-57 nex-61
#> 58  cat-58 nex-61
#> 59  cat-59 nex-81
#> 60  cat-60 nex-81
#> 61  cat-61 nex-62
#> 62  cat-62 nex-89
#> 63  cat-63 nex-64
#> 64  cat-64  nex-4
#> 65  cat-65 nex-66
#> 66  cat-66 nex-31
#> 67  cat-67 nex-68
#> 68  cat-68 nex-71
#> 69  cat-69 nex-70
#> 70  cat-70 nex-22
#> 71  cat-71 nex-72
#> 72  cat-72 nex-24
#> 73  cat-73 nex-74
#> 74  cat-74 nex-20
#> 75  cat-75 nex-76
#> 76  cat-76 nex-73
#> 77  cat-77 nex-78
#> 78  cat-78 nex-75
#> 79  cat-79 nex-80
#> 80  cat-80 nex-89
#> 81  cat-81 nex-82
#> 82  cat-82 nex-79
#> 83  cat-83 nex-84
#> 84  cat-84 nex-34
#> 85  cat-85 nex-86
#> 86  cat-86 nex-73
#> 87  cat-87 nex-88
#> 88  cat-88  nex-0
#> 89  cat-89 nex-90
#> 90  cat-90 nex-32
#> 91  nex-65 cat-65
#> 92   nex-3  cat-3
#> 93  nex-87 cat-87
#> 94  nex-14 cat-14
#> 95  nex-29 cat-29
#> 96  nex-21 cat-21
#> 97   nex-4  cat-4
#> 98  nex-69 cat-69
#> 99  nex-77 cat-77
#> 100 nex-30 cat-30
#> 101 nex-83 cat-83
#> 102 nex-27 cat-27
#> 103 nex-22 cat-22
#> 104 nex-23 cat-23
#> 105 nex-71 cat-71
#> 106 nex-25 cat-25
#> 107 nex-73 cat-73
#> 108 nex-31 cat-31
#> 109 nex-24 cat-24
#> 110 nex-34 cat-34
#> 111 nex-75 cat-75
#> 112 nex-20 cat-20
#> 113 nex-79 cat-79
#> 114 nex-81 cat-81
#> 115 nex-33 cat-33
#> 116 nex-32 cat-32
#> 117 nex-28 cat-28
#> 118 nex-62 cat-62
#> 119 nex-61 cat-61
#> 120 nex-89 cat-89
#> 121 nex-64 cat-64
#> 122 nex-66 cat-66
#> 123 nex-68 cat-68
#> 124 nex-70 cat-70
#> 125 nex-72 cat-72
#> 126 nex-74 cat-74
#> 127 nex-76 cat-76
#> 128 nex-78 cat-78
#> 129 nex-80 cat-80
#> 130 nex-82 cat-82
#> 131 nex-84 cat-84
#> 132 nex-86 cat-86
#> 133 nex-88 cat-88
#> 134  nex-0  cat-0
#> 135 nex-90 cat-90
#> $waterbody_edges
#>       id  toid
#> 1   fp-1 fp-65
#> 2   fp-2  fp-3
#> 3   fp-3 fp-87
#> 4   fp-4  fp-3
#> 5   fp-5 fp-14
#> 6   fp-6  fp-3
#> 7   fp-7  fp-3
#> 8   fp-8 fp-65
#> 9   fp-9 fp-29
#> 10 fp-10 fp-21
#> 11 fp-11  fp-4
#> 12 fp-12  fp-3
#> 13 fp-13 fp-14
#> 14 fp-14  fp-3
#> 15 fp-15 fp-69
#> 16 fp-16 fp-77
#> 17 fp-17 fp-30
#> 18 fp-18 fp-83
#> 19 fp-19 fp-87
#> 20 fp-20 fp-27
#> 21 fp-21 fp-87
#> 22 fp-22 fp-87
#> 23 fp-23 fp-22
#> 24 fp-24 fp-23
#> 25 fp-25 fp-71
#> 26 fp-26 fp-25
#> 27 fp-27 fp-21
#> 28 fp-28 fp-73
#> 29 fp-29 fp-21
#> 30 fp-30 fp-29
#> 31 fp-31 fp-30
#> 32 fp-32 fp-31
#> 33 fp-33 fp-71
#> 34 fp-34 fp-22
#> 35 fp-35 fp-22
#> 36 fp-36 fp-22
#> 37 fp-37 fp-69
#> 38 fp-38 fp-69
#> 39 fp-39 fp-23
#> 40 fp-40 fp-24
#> 41 fp-41 fp-71
#> 42 fp-42 fp-83
#> 43 fp-43 fp-34
#> 44 fp-44 fp-75
#> 45 fp-45 fp-73
#> 46 fp-46 fp-20
#> 47 fp-47 fp-27
#> 48 fp-48 fp-79
#> 49 fp-49 fp-87
#> 50 fp-50 fp-81
#> 51 fp-51 fp-33
#> 52 fp-52 fp-32
#> 53 fp-53 fp-77
#> 54 fp-54 fp-28
#> 55 fp-55 fp-28
#> 56 fp-56 fp-62
#> 57 fp-57 fp-61
#> 58 fp-58 fp-61
#> 59 fp-59 fp-81
#> 60 fp-60 fp-81
#> 61 fp-61 fp-62
#> 62 fp-62 fp-89
#> 63 fp-63 fp-64
#> 64 fp-64  fp-4
#> 65 fp-65 fp-66
#> 66 fp-66 fp-31
#> 67 fp-67 fp-68
#> 68 fp-68 fp-71
#> 69 fp-69 fp-70
#> 70 fp-70 fp-22
#> 71 fp-71 fp-72
#> 72 fp-72 fp-24
#> 73 fp-73 fp-74
#> 74 fp-74 fp-20
#> 75 fp-75 fp-76
#> 76 fp-76 fp-73
#> 77 fp-77 fp-78
#> 78 fp-78 fp-75
#> 79 fp-79 fp-80
#> 80 fp-80 fp-89
#> 81 fp-81 fp-82
#> 82 fp-82 fp-79
#> 83 fp-83 fp-84
#> 84 fp-84 fp-34
#> 85 fp-85 fp-86
#> 86 fp-86 fp-73
#> 87 fp-87 fp-88
#> 88 fp-88  fp-0
#> 89 fp-89 fp-90
#> 90 fp-90 fp-32
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "hygeo"

#> $`cat-1`
#> $`cat-1`$COMID
#> [1] "9731278"
#> $`cat-1`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731278
#> $`cat-2`
#> $`cat-2`$COMID
#> [1] "9731364"
#> $`cat-2`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731364
#> $`cat-3`
#> $`cat-3`$COMID
#> [1] "9731422"
#> $`cat-3`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731422
#> $`cat-4`
#> $`cat-4`$COMID
#> [1] "9731394" "9731384" "9731370" "9731362"
#> $`cat-4`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731394
#> $`cat-5`
#> $`cat-5`$COMID
#> [1] "9731546" "9731388"
#> $`cat-5`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731388
#> $`cat-6`
#> $`cat-6`$COMID
#> [1] "9731548" "9731402" "9731396" "9731526" "9731524"
#> $`cat-6`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731402
#> $`cat-7`
#> $`cat-7`$COMID
#> [1] "9731408" "9731528"
#> $`cat-7`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731528
#> $`cat-8`
#> $`cat-8`$COMID
#> [1] "9731276"
#> $`cat-8`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731276
#> $`cat-9`
#> $`cat-9`$COMID
#> [1] "9731538" "9731330"
#> $`cat-9`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731330
#> $`cat-10`
#> $`cat-10`$COMID
#> [1] "9731354"
#> $`cat-10`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731354
#> $`cat-11`
#> $`cat-11`$COMID
#> [1] "9731314" "9731322"
#> $`cat-11`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731322
#> $`cat-12`
#> $`cat-12`$COMID
#> [1] "9731374" "9731372"
#> $`cat-12`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731372
#> $`cat-13`
#> $`cat-13`$COMID
#> [1] "9731544" "9731378" "9731522" "9731386"
#> $`cat-13`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731386
#> $`cat-14`
#> $`cat-14`$COMID
#> [1] "9731390"
#> $`cat-14`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731390
#> $`cat-15`
#> $`cat-15`$COMID
#> [1] "9731318" "9731332" "9731502"
#> $`cat-15`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731332
#> $`cat-16`
#> $`cat-16`$COMID
#> [1] "9731474"
#> $`cat-16`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731474
#> $`cat-17`
#> $`cat-17`$COMID
#> [1] "9731312"
#> $`cat-17`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731312
#> $`cat-18`
#> $`cat-18`$COMID
#> [1] "9731280"
#> $`cat-18`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731280
#> $`cat-19`
#> $`cat-19`$COMID
#> [1] "9731428"
#> $`cat-19`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731428
#> $`cat-20`
#> $`cat-20`$COMID
#> [1] "9731344" "9731340"
#> $`cat-20`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731344
#> $`cat-21`
#> $`cat-21`$COMID
#> [1] "9731424" "9731434" "9731420" "9731400" "9731430"
#> $`cat-21`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731430
#> $`cat-22`
#> $`cat-22`$COMID
#> [1] "9731398"
#> $`cat-22`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731398
#> $`cat-23`
#> $`cat-23`$COMID
#> [1] "9731368" "9731352" "9731334"
#> $`cat-23`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731368
#> $`cat-24`
#> $`cat-24`$COMID
#> [1] "9731324"
#> $`cat-24`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731324
#> $`cat-25`
#> $`cat-25`$COMID
#> [1] "9731290"   "9731284.2"
#> $`cat-25`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731290
#> $`cat-26`
#> $`cat-26`$COMID
#> [1] "9731270"   "9731532"   "9731514"   "9731284.1"
#> $`cat-26`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731284
#> $`cat-26`$site_no
#> [x] "0214655255"
#> $`cat-27`
#> $`cat-27`$COMID
#> [1] "9731358"
#> $`cat-27`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731358
#> $`cat-28`
#> $`cat-28`$COMID
#> [1] "9731492" "9731288" "9731486"
#> $`cat-28`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731492
#> $`cat-29`
#> $`cat-29`$COMID
#> [1] "9731360" "9731506"
#> $`cat-29`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731360
#> $`cat-30`
#> $`cat-30`$COMID
#> [1] "9731328"
#> $`cat-30`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731328
#> $`cat-31`
#> $`cat-31`$COMID
#> [1] "9731316"
#> $`cat-31`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731316
#> $`cat-32`
#> $`cat-32`$COMID
#> [1] "9731498"
#> $`cat-32`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731498
#> $`cat-33`
#> $`cat-33`$COMID
#> [1] "9731294"   "9731292.2"
#> $`cat-33`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731294
#> $`cat-34`
#> $`cat-34`$COMID
#> [1] "9731504"
#> $`cat-34`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731504
#> $`cat-35`
#> $`cat-35`$COMID
#> [1] "9731392" "9731382"
#> $`cat-35`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731382
#> $`cat-36`
#> $`cat-36`$COMID
#> [1] "9731380" "9731356" "9731366"
#> $`cat-36`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731356
#> $`cat-37`
#> $`cat-37`$COMID
#> [1] "9731540" "9731346"
#> $`cat-37`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731346
#> $`cat-38`
#> $`cat-38`$COMID
#> [1] "9731542" "9731338" "9731518" "9731350" "9731520"
#> $`cat-38`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731338
#> $`cat-39`
#> $`cat-39`$COMID
#> [1] "9731536" "9731326"
#> $`cat-39`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731326
#> $`cat-40`
#> $`cat-40`$COMID
#> [1] "9731306" "9731308"
#> $`cat-40`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731308
#> $`cat-41`
#> $`cat-41`$COMID
#> [1] "9731304" "9731298" "9731516" "9731302"
#> $`cat-41`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731298
#> $`cat-42`
#> $`cat-42`$COMID
#> [1] "9731282"
#> $`cat-42`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731282
#> $`cat-43`
#> $`cat-43`$COMID
#> [1] "9731534" "9731310"
#> $`cat-43`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731310
#> $`cat-44`
#> $`cat-44`$COMID
#> [1] "9731478"
#> $`cat-44`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731478
#> $`cat-45`
#> $`cat-45`$COMID
#> [1] "9731490"
#> $`cat-45`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731490
#> $`cat-46`
#> $`cat-46`$COMID
#> [1] "9731496"
#> $`cat-46`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731496
#> $`cat-47`
#> $`cat-47`$COMID
#> [1] "9731348"
#> $`cat-47`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731348
#> $`cat-48`
#> $`cat-48`$COMID
#> [1] "9731262" "9731258"
#> $`cat-48`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731262
#> $`cat-49`
#> $`cat-49`$COMID
#> [1] "9731432"
#> $`cat-49`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731432
#> $`cat-50`
#> $`cat-50`$COMID
#> [1] "9731244" "9731470"
#> $`cat-50`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731470
#> $`cat-51`
#> $`cat-51`$COMID
#> [1] "9731274"   "9731292.1"
#> $`cat-51`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731292
#> $`cat-51`$site_no
#> [x] "0214657975"
#> $`cat-52`
#> $`cat-52`$COMID
#> [1] "9731272"
#> $`cat-52`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731272
#> $`cat-53`
#> $`cat-53`$COMID
#> [1] "9731256"
#> $`cat-53`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731256
#> $`cat-54`
#> $`cat-54`$COMID
#> [1] "9731252"
#> $`cat-54`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731252
#> $`cat-55`
#> $`cat-55`$COMID
#> [1] "9731240" "9731254"
#> $`cat-55`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731254
#> $`cat-56`
#> $`cat-56`$COMID
#> [1] "9731248"
#> $`cat-56`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731248
#> $`cat-56`$site_no
#> [x] "02146211"
#> $`cat-57`
#> $`cat-57`$COMID
#> [1] "9731236"
#> $`cat-57`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731236
#> $`cat-58`
#> $`cat-58`$COMID
#> [1] "9731530" "9731238"
#> $`cat-58`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731238
#> $`cat-59`
#> $`cat-59`$COMID
#> [1] "9731246"
#> $`cat-59`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731246
#> $`cat-60`
#> $`cat-60`$COMID
#> [1] "9731472"
#> $`cat-60`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731472
#> $`cat-61`
#> $`cat-61`$COMID
#> [1] "9731242" "9731250" "9731512"
#> $`cat-61`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731250
#> $`cat-62`
#> $`cat-62`$COMID
#> [1] "9731468"
#> $`cat-62`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731468
#> $`cat-63`
#> $`cat-63`$COMID
#> [1] "9731320.1"
#> $`cat-63`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731320
#> $`cat-63`$site_no
#> [x] "0214678175"
#> $`cat-64`
#> $`cat-64`$COMID
#> [1] "9731320.2"
#> $`cat-64`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731320
#> $`cat-65`
#> $`cat-65`$COMID
#> [1] "9731300.1"
#> $`cat-65`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731300
#> $`cat-65`$site_no
#> [x] "02146348"
#> $`cat-66`
#> $`cat-66`$COMID
#> [1] "9731300.2"
#> $`cat-66`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731300
#> $`cat-67`
#> $`cat-67`$COMID
#> [1] "9731286.1"
#> $`cat-67`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731286
#> $`cat-67`$site_no
#> [x] "02146562"
#> $`cat-68`
#> $`cat-68`$COMID
#> [1] "9731286.2"
#> $`cat-68`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731286
#> $`cat-69`
#> $`cat-69`$COMID
#> [1] "9731342.1"
#> $`cat-69`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731342
#> $`cat-69`$site_no
#> [x] "02146670"
#> $`cat-70`
#> $`cat-70`$COMID
#> [1] "9731342.2"
#> $`cat-70`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731342
#> $`cat-71`
#> $`cat-71`$COMID
#> [1] "9731500.1"
#> $`cat-71`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731500
#> $`cat-71`$site_no
#> [x] "02146600"
#> $`cat-72`
#> $`cat-72`$COMID
#> [1] "9731500.2"
#> $`cat-72`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731500
#> $`cat-73`
#> $`cat-73`$COMID
#> [1] "9731296.1"
#> $`cat-73`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731296
#> $`cat-73`$site_no
#> [x] "02146507"
#> $`cat-74`
#> $`cat-74`$COMID
#> [1] "9731296.2"
#> $`cat-74`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731296
#> $`cat-75`
#> $`cat-75`$COMID
#> [1] "9731484.1"
#> $`cat-75`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731484
#> $`cat-75`$site_no
#> [x] "0214645022"
#> $`cat-76`
#> $`cat-76`$COMID
#> [1] "9731484.2"
#> $`cat-76`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731484
#> $`cat-77`
#> $`cat-77`$COMID
#> [1] "9731260.1"
#> $`cat-77`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731260
#> $`cat-77`$site_no
#> [x] "0214642825"
#> $`cat-78`
#> $`cat-78`$COMID
#> [1] "9731260.2"
#> $`cat-78`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731260
#> $`cat-79`
#> $`cat-79`$COMID
#> [1] "9731264.1"
#> $`cat-79`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731264
#> $`cat-79`$site_no
#> [x] "02146285"
#> $`cat-80`
#> $`cat-80`$COMID
#> [1] "9731264.2"
#> $`cat-80`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731264
#> $`cat-81`
#> $`cat-81`$COMID
#> [1] "9731476.1"
#> $`cat-81`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731476
#> $`cat-81`$site_no
#> [x] "0214627970"
#> $`cat-82`
#> $`cat-82`$COMID
#> [1] "9731476.2"
#> $`cat-82`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731476
#> $`cat-83`
#> $`cat-83`$COMID
#> [1] "9731494.1"
#> $`cat-83`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731494
#> $`cat-83`$site_no
#> [x] "02146700"
#> $`cat-84`
#> $`cat-84`$COMID
#> [1] "9731494.2"
#> $`cat-84`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731494
#> $`cat-85`
#> $`cat-85`$COMID
#> [1] "9731488.1"
#> $`cat-85`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731488
#> $`cat-85`$site_no
#> [x] "02146470"
#> $`cat-86`
#> $`cat-86`$COMID
#> [1] "9731488.2"
#> $`cat-86`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731488
#> $`cat-87`
#> $`cat-87`$COMID
#> [1] "9731454.1"
#> $`cat-87`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731454
#> $`cat-87`$site_no
#> [x] "02146800"
#> $`cat-88`
#> $`cat-88`$COMID
#> [1] "9731454.2"
#> $`cat-88`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731454
#> $`cat-89`
#> $`cat-89`$COMID
#> [1] "9731482.1"
#> $`cat-89`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731482
#> $`cat-89`$site_no
#> [x] "02146300"
#> $`cat-90`
#> $`cat-90`$COMID
#> [1] "9731482.2"
#> $`cat-90`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731482
#> $`fp-1`
#> $`fp-1`$COMID
#> [1] "9731278"
#> $`fp-1`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731278
#> $`fp-2`
#> $`fp-2`$COMID
#> [1] "9731364"
#> $`fp-2`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731364
#> $`fp-3`
#> $`fp-3`$COMID
#> [1] "9731422"
#> $`fp-3`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731422
#> $`fp-4`
#> $`fp-4`$COMID
#> [1] "9731394" "9731384" "9731370" "9731362"
#> $`fp-4`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731394
#> $`fp-5`
#> $`fp-5`$COMID
#> [1] "9731546" "9731388"
#> $`fp-5`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731388
#> $`fp-6`
#> $`fp-6`$COMID
#> [1] "9731548" "9731402" "9731396" "9731526" "9731524"
#> $`fp-6`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731402
#> $`fp-7`
#> $`fp-7`$COMID
#> [1] "9731408" "9731528"
#> $`fp-7`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731528
#> $`fp-8`
#> $`fp-8`$COMID
#> [1] "9731276"
#> $`fp-8`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731276
#> $`fp-9`
#> $`fp-9`$COMID
#> [1] "9731538" "9731330"
#> $`fp-9`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731330
#> $`fp-10`
#> $`fp-10`$COMID
#> [1] "9731354"
#> $`fp-10`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731354
#> $`fp-11`
#> $`fp-11`$COMID
#> [1] "9731314" "9731322"
#> $`fp-11`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731322
#> $`fp-12`
#> $`fp-12`$COMID
#> [1] "9731374" "9731372"
#> $`fp-12`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731372
#> $`fp-13`
#> $`fp-13`$COMID
#> [1] "9731544" "9731378" "9731522" "9731386"
#> $`fp-13`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731386
#> $`fp-14`
#> $`fp-14`$COMID
#> [1] "9731390"
#> $`fp-14`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731390
#> $`fp-15`
#> $`fp-15`$COMID
#> [1] "9731318" "9731332" "9731502"
#> $`fp-15`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731332
#> $`fp-16`
#> $`fp-16`$COMID
#> [1] "9731474"
#> $`fp-16`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731474
#> $`fp-17`
#> $`fp-17`$COMID
#> [1] "9731312"
#> $`fp-17`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731312
#> $`fp-18`
#> $`fp-18`$COMID
#> [1] "9731280"
#> $`fp-18`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731280
#> $`fp-19`
#> $`fp-19`$COMID
#> [1] "9731428"
#> $`fp-19`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731428
#> $`fp-20`
#> $`fp-20`$COMID
#> [1] "9731344" "9731340"
#> $`fp-20`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731344
#> $`fp-21`
#> $`fp-21`$COMID
#> [1] "9731424" "9731434" "9731420" "9731400" "9731430"
#> $`fp-21`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731430
#> $`fp-22`
#> $`fp-22`$COMID
#> [1] "9731398"
#> $`fp-22`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731398
#> $`fp-23`
#> $`fp-23`$COMID
#> [1] "9731368" "9731352" "9731334"
#> $`fp-23`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731368
#> $`fp-24`
#> $`fp-24`$COMID
#> [1] "9731324"
#> $`fp-24`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731324
#> $`fp-25`
#> $`fp-25`$COMID
#> [1] "9731290"   "9731284.2"
#> $`fp-25`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731290
#> $`fp-26`
#> $`fp-26`$COMID
#> [1] "9731270"   "9731532"   "9731514"   "9731284.1"
#> $`fp-26`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731284
#> $`fp-27`
#> $`fp-27`$COMID
#> [1] "9731358"
#> $`fp-27`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731358
#> $`fp-28`
#> $`fp-28`$COMID
#> [1] "9731492" "9731288" "9731486"
#> $`fp-28`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731492
#> $`fp-29`
#> $`fp-29`$COMID
#> [1] "9731360" "9731506"
#> $`fp-29`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731360
#> $`fp-30`
#> $`fp-30`$COMID
#> [1] "9731328"
#> $`fp-30`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731328
#> $`fp-31`
#> $`fp-31`$COMID
#> [1] "9731316"
#> $`fp-31`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731316
#> $`fp-32`
#> $`fp-32`$COMID
#> [1] "9731498"
#> $`fp-32`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731498
#> $`fp-33`
#> $`fp-33`$COMID
#> [1] "9731294"   "9731292.2"
#> $`fp-33`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731294
#> $`fp-34`
#> $`fp-34`$COMID
#> [1] "9731504"
#> $`fp-34`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731504
#> $`fp-35`
#> $`fp-35`$COMID
#> [1] "9731392" "9731382"
#> $`fp-35`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731382
#> $`fp-36`
#> $`fp-36`$COMID
#> [1] "9731380" "9731356" "9731366"
#> $`fp-36`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731356
#> $`fp-37`
#> $`fp-37`$COMID
#> [1] "9731540" "9731346"
#> $`fp-37`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731346
#> $`fp-38`
#> $`fp-38`$COMID
#> [1] "9731542" "9731338" "9731518" "9731350" "9731520"
#> $`fp-38`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731338
#> $`fp-39`
#> $`fp-39`$COMID
#> [1] "9731536" "9731326"
#> $`fp-39`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731326
#> $`fp-40`
#> $`fp-40`$COMID
#> [1] "9731306" "9731308"
#> $`fp-40`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731308
#> $`fp-41`
#> $`fp-41`$COMID
#> [1] "9731304" "9731298" "9731516" "9731302"
#> $`fp-41`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731298
#> $`fp-42`
#> $`fp-42`$COMID
#> [1] "9731282"
#> $`fp-42`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731282
#> $`fp-43`
#> $`fp-43`$COMID
#> [1] "9731534" "9731310"
#> $`fp-43`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731310
#> $`fp-44`
#> $`fp-44`$COMID
#> [1] "9731478"
#> $`fp-44`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731478
#> $`fp-45`
#> $`fp-45`$COMID
#> [1] "9731490"
#> $`fp-45`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731490
#> $`fp-46`
#> $`fp-46`$COMID
#> [1] "9731496"
#> $`fp-46`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731496
#> $`fp-47`
#> $`fp-47`$COMID
#> [1] "9731348"
#> $`fp-47`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731348
#> $`fp-48`
#> $`fp-48`$COMID
#> [1] "9731262" "9731258"
#> $`fp-48`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731262
#> $`fp-49`
#> $`fp-49`$COMID
#> [1] "9731432"
#> $`fp-49`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731432
#> $`fp-50`
#> $`fp-50`$COMID
#> [1] "9731244" "9731470"
#> $`fp-50`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731470
#> $`fp-51`
#> $`fp-51`$COMID
#> [1] "9731274"   "9731292.1"
#> $`fp-51`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731292
#> $`fp-52`
#> $`fp-52`$COMID
#> [1] "9731272"
#> $`fp-52`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731272
#> $`fp-53`
#> $`fp-53`$COMID
#> [1] "9731256"
#> $`fp-53`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731256
#> $`fp-54`
#> $`fp-54`$COMID
#> [1] "9731252"
#> $`fp-54`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731252
#> $`fp-55`
#> $`fp-55`$COMID
#> [1] "9731240" "9731254"
#> $`fp-55`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731254
#> $`fp-56`
#> $`fp-56`$COMID
#> [1] "9731248"
#> $`fp-56`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731248
#> $`fp-57`
#> $`fp-57`$COMID
#> [1] "9731236"
#> $`fp-57`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731236
#> $`fp-58`
#> $`fp-58`$COMID
#> [1] "9731530" "9731238"
#> $`fp-58`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731238
#> $`fp-59`
#> $`fp-59`$COMID
#> [1] "9731246"
#> $`fp-59`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731246
#> $`fp-60`
#> $`fp-60`$COMID
#> [1] "9731472"
#> $`fp-60`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731472
#> $`fp-61`
#> $`fp-61`$COMID
#> [1] "9731242" "9731250" "9731512"
#> $`fp-61`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731250
#> $`fp-62`
#> $`fp-62`$COMID
#> [1] "9731468"
#> $`fp-62`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731468
#> $`fp-63`
#> $`fp-63`$COMID
#> [1] "9731320.1"
#> $`fp-63`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731320
#> $`fp-64`
#> $`fp-64`$COMID
#> [1] "9731320.2"
#> $`fp-64`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731320
#> $`fp-65`
#> $`fp-65`$COMID
#> [1] "9731300.1"
#> $`fp-65`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731300
#> $`fp-66`
#> $`fp-66`$COMID
#> [1] "9731300.2"
#> $`fp-66`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731300
#> $`fp-67`
#> $`fp-67`$COMID
#> [1] "9731286.1"
#> $`fp-67`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731286
#> $`fp-68`
#> $`fp-68`$COMID
#> [1] "9731286.2"
#> $`fp-68`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731286
#> $`fp-69`
#> $`fp-69`$COMID
#> [1] "9731342.1"
#> $`fp-69`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731342
#> $`fp-70`
#> $`fp-70`$COMID
#> [1] "9731342.2"
#> $`fp-70`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731342
#> $`fp-71`
#> $`fp-71`$COMID
#> [1] "9731500.1"
#> $`fp-71`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731500
#> $`fp-72`
#> $`fp-72`$COMID
#> [1] "9731500.2"
#> $`fp-72`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731500
#> $`fp-73`
#> $`fp-73`$COMID
#> [1] "9731296.1"
#> $`fp-73`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731296
#> $`fp-74`
#> $`fp-74`$COMID
#> [1] "9731296.2"
#> $`fp-74`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731296
#> $`fp-75`
#> $`fp-75`$COMID
#> [1] "9731484.1"
#> $`fp-75`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731484
#> $`fp-76`
#> $`fp-76`$COMID
#> [1] "9731484.2"
#> $`fp-76`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731484
#> $`fp-77`
#> $`fp-77`$COMID
#> [1] "9731260.1"
#> $`fp-77`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731260
#> $`fp-78`
#> $`fp-78`$COMID
#> [1] "9731260.2"
#> $`fp-78`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731260
#> $`fp-79`
#> $`fp-79`$COMID
#> [1] "9731264.1"
#> $`fp-79`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731264
#> $`fp-80`
#> $`fp-80`$COMID
#> [1] "9731264.2"
#> $`fp-80`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731264
#> $`fp-81`
#> $`fp-81`$COMID
#> [1] "9731476.1"
#> $`fp-81`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731476
#> $`fp-82`
#> $`fp-82`$COMID
#> [1] "9731476.2"
#> $`fp-82`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731476
#> $`fp-83`
#> $`fp-83`$COMID
#> [1] "9731494.1"
#> $`fp-83`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731494
#> $`fp-84`
#> $`fp-84`$COMID
#> [1] "9731494.2"
#> $`fp-84`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731494
#> $`fp-85`
#> $`fp-85`$COMID
#> [1] "9731488.1"
#> $`fp-85`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731488
#> $`fp-86`
#> $`fp-86`$COMID
#> [1] "9731488.2"
#> $`fp-86`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731488
#> $`fp-87`
#> $`fp-87`$COMID
#> [1] "9731454.1"
#> $`fp-87`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731454
#> $`fp-88`
#> $`fp-88`$COMID
#> [1] "9731454.2"
#> $`fp-88`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731454
#> $`fp-89`
#> $`fp-89`$COMID
#> [1] "9731482.1"
#> $`fp-89`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731482
#> $`fp-90`
#> $`fp-90`$COMID
#> [1] "9731482.2"
#> $`fp-90`$outlet_COMID
#> [x] 9731482

If needed, we can further break up the flowline network ensuring the outlets in the catchment network are included.

outlet_comids <- select(st_drop_geometry(reconcile), ID, member_COMID) %>%
  mutate(member_COMID = strsplit(member_COMID, ",")) %>%
  unnest(cols = member_COMID) %>%
  mutate(member_COMID = as.integer(member_COMID)) %>%
  left_join(select(st_drop_geometry(nhd$flowline), COMID, Hydroseq),
            by = c("member_COMID" = "COMID")) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  filter(Hydroseq == min(Hydroseq)) %>%

                             split_flines_meters = 500,
                             split_flines_cores = 2,
                             collapse_flines_meters = 400,
                             collapse_flines_main_meters = 400,
                             exclude_cats = outlet_comids$member_COMID,
                             out_refactored = refactored_small,
                             out_reconciled = reconciled_small,
                             three_pass = TRUE,
                             purge_non_dendritic = FALSE)
#> Warning in prepare_nhdplus(., 0, 0, 0, purge_non_dendritic =
#> purge_non_dendritic, : Got NHDPlus data without a Terminal catchment. Attempting
#> to find it.
#> Warning in prepare_nhdplus(., 0, 0, 0, purge_non_dendritic = purge_non_dendritic, : Removed 0 flowlines that don't apply.
#>  Includes: Coastlines, non-dendritic paths, 
#> and networks with drainage area less than 0 sqkm, and drainage basins smaller than 0
#> flowlines split complete, collapsing
#> Writing layer `file5dd455453b9c' to data source `C:\Users\DBLODG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\RtmpId2WUy\file5dd455453b9c.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> options:        OVERWRITE=YES 
#> Writing 280 features with 12 fields and geometry type Line String.
#> collapse complete, out collapse written to disk, reconciling
#> Writing layer `file5dd464bf173f' to data source `C:\Users\DBLODG~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\RtmpId2WUy\file5dd464bf173f.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> options:        OVERWRITE=YES 
#> Writing 251 features with 7 fields and geometry type Line String.