Cleans up and prepares NHDPlusHR regional data for use as complete NHDPlus data. The primary modification applied is to ensure that any flowpath that exits the domain is labeled as a terminal path and attributes are propagated upstream such that the domain is independently complete.




sf data.frame of NHDPlusHR flowlines.


sf data.frame containing standalone network


# \donttest{
source(system.file("extdata/nhdplushr_data.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))

(outlet <- filter(hr_data$NHDFlowline, Hydroseq == min(Hydroseq)))
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 57 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -79.01402 ymin: 35.79464 xmax: -79.00523 ymax: 35.80153
#> Geodetic CRS:  GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 58
#>   Permanent_Identifier FDate               Resolution GNIS_ID GNIS_Name LENGTHKM
#> * <chr>                <dttm>                   <int> <chr>   <chr>        <dbl>
#> 1 46353268             2012-03-11 06:52:19          2 009910… New Hope…     1.10
#> # ℹ 52 more variables: REACHCODE <chr>, FlowDir <int>,
#> #   WBArea_Permanent_Identifier <chr>, FTYPE <int>, FCODE <int>,
#> #   MainPath <int>, InNetwork <int>, VisibilityFilter <int>,
#> #   Shape_Length <dbl>, COMID <dbl>, VPUID <chr>, Enabled <int>,
#> #   StreamLeve <dbl>, StreamOrde <dbl>, StreamCalc <dbl>, FromNode <dbl>,
#> #   ToNode <dbl>, Hydroseq <dbl>, LevelPathI <dbl>, Pathlength <dbl>,
#> #   TerminalPa <dbl>, ArbolateSu <dbl>, Divergence <dbl>, StartFlag <dbl>, …
nrow(filter(hr_data$NHDFlowline, TerminalPa == outlet$Hydroseq))
#> [1] 2691

hr_data$NHDFlowline <- make_standalone(hr_data$NHDFlowline)

(outlet <- filter(hr_data$NHDFlowline, Hydroseq == min(Hydroseq)))
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 57 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -79.01402 ymin: 35.79464 xmax: -79.00523 ymax: 35.80153
#> Geodetic CRS:  GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 58
#>   Permanent_Identifier FDate               Resolution GNIS_ID GNIS_Name LENGTHKM
#> * <chr>                <dttm>                   <int> <chr>   <chr>        <dbl>
#> 1 46353268             2012-03-11 06:52:19          2 009910… New Hope…     1.10
#> # ℹ 52 more variables: REACHCODE <chr>, FlowDir <int>,
#> #   WBArea_Permanent_Identifier <chr>, FTYPE <int>, FCODE <int>,
#> #   MainPath <int>, InNetwork <int>, VisibilityFilter <int>,
#> #   Shape_Length <dbl>, COMID <dbl>, VPUID <chr>, Enabled <int>,
#> #   StreamLeve <dbl>, StreamOrde <dbl>, StreamCalc <dbl>, FromNode <dbl>,
#> #   ToNode <dbl>, Hydroseq <dbl>, LevelPathI <dbl>, Pathlength <dbl>,
#> #   TerminalPa <dbl>, ArbolateSu <dbl>, Divergence <dbl>, StartFlag <dbl>, …
nrow(filter(hr_data$NHDFlowline, TerminalPa == outlet$Hydroseq))
#> [1] 2691

source(system.file("extdata/nhdplushr_data.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))

# Remove mainstem and non-dendritic stuff.
subset <- filter(hr_data$NHDFlowline,
                        StreamLeve > min(hr_data$NHDFlowline$StreamLeve) &
                          StreamOrde == StreamCalc)

subset <- subset_nhdplus(subset$COMID, nhdplus_data = hr_gpkg)$NHDFlowline
#> All intersections performed in latitude/longitude.
#> Reading NHDFlowline
#> 1000 comids of 2182
#> 2000 comids of 2182
#> 2182 comids of 2182
#> Writing NHDFlowline
#> Reading NHDPlusCatchment
#> 1000 comids of 2182
#> 2000 comids of 2182
#> 2182 comids of 2182
#> Found invalid geometry, attempting to fix.
#> Writing NHDPlusCatchment
#> Reading NHDArea
#> Writing NHDArea
#> Reading NHDWaterbody
#> Writing NHDWaterbody
#> Reading NHDPlusSink
#> Writing NHDPlusSink


flowline_mod <- make_standalone(subset)

terminals <- unique(flowline_mod$TerminalPa)

colors <- sample(hcl.colors(length(terminals), palette = "Zissou 1"))

for(i in 1:length(terminals)) {
  fl <- flowline_mod[flowline_mod$TerminalPa == terminals[i], ]
  plot(st_geometry(fl), col = colors[i], lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

ol <- filter(flowline_mod, TerminalFl == 1 & TerminalPa %in% terminals)

plot(st_geometry(ol), lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

# }