Get a basin boundary for a given NLDI feature.
get_nldi_basin(nldi_feature, simplify = TRUE, split = FALSE)
list with names `featureSource` and `featureID` where `featureSource` is derived from the "source" column of the response of get_nldi_sources and the `featureID` is a known identifier from the specified `featureSource`.
logical should response geometry be simplified for visualization and performance?
logical should response resolve precisely to the location of the `nldi_feature`? Setting `TRUE` calls an additional service and will be slower and less robust.
sf data.frame with result basin boundary
Only resolves to the nearest NHDPlus catchment divide. See: for more info on the nldi.
# \donttest{
nldi_nwis <- list(featureSource = "nwissite", featureID = "USGS-05428500")
site <- get_nldi_feature(nldi_nwis)
basin <- get_nldi_basin(nldi_feature = nldi_nwis)
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 0 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -89.60465 ymin: 43.03507 xmax: -89.20378 ymax: 43.36607
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#> geometry
#> <POLYGON [°]>
#> 1 ((-89.35859 43.11776, -89.35423 43.11546, -89.35437 43.11067, -89.34997 43.10…
basin2 <- get_nldi_basin(nldi_feature = nldi_nwis,
simplify = FALSE, split = TRUE)
if(inherits(basin, "sf") & inherits(basin2, "sf")) {
plot(st_geometry(st_buffer(site, units::set_units(3000, "m"))), border = NA)
plot(st_geometry(site), add = TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(basin2), add = TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(basin), border = "red", add = TRUE)
# }